donderdag 24 januari 2013

Herman Meijer - Hemeyla

What a great constructeur and rider he was.
Check is great site with a lot of pictures ,stories and movies ---> hermanmeijer

A view pictures on his 50cc kreidler

maandag 21 januari 2013


A busy weekend for me, painted the Suzuki and the Moto Negrini.
The Suzuki in classic race colors blauw / silver grey , the Negrini yellow / black.
The gastank and seat of the suzuki needs yet a clear coat,the transfers were not in time at my place.

donderdag 17 januari 2013

Suzuki GT250

It's been a while but finally found some time to work on the Suzuki.
Bike is in parts now ,this weekend i'm going to paint the frame.
This where the last picture's i have made before the paintjob.